Tripadvisor - Hotel Cup
We needed to give, the world ’s largest travel site, a unique voice on social media during the 2014 Football World Cup.
Knowing that football fans, coaches and bookies across the globe will do anything to predict the outcome of matches had given rise to a host of fraudulent World Cup animal oracles.
So we introduced a new World Cup oracle, based on fact.
With millions of user written reviews TripAdvisor put forward their own prediction bracket based on the hotels the teams were staying at in Brazil during the tournament.
The predictions were formulated by researching the amenities, reviews and rankings found on the website. These predictions were then tweeted to the millions of followers on TripAdvisor's social platforms.
During the games TripAdvisor gave running commentary as match events unfolded. Linking the action on the pitch to insights gained directly from reviews. Using the
hashtag #HotelCup we started an entirely new social media conversation, putting a new slant on how the World Cup was decided.
Not only was the conversation shared, and blogged about but more impressive was the accuracy with which our algorithm was able to predict results.
Beating the most famous of animal oracles ‘Paulie’ the octopus with a record of 85% by correctly guessing 98% of the game outcomes, including the final.
Silver Cannes Data Lion - 2015
Tripadvisor - Don't Just Visit
The Tripadvisor version of a destination is the better version of a destination.
The world’s largest travel site didn’t have the world’s largest recognition. To fix that, we had to change people’s travel planning behavior by making Tripadvisor a destination in its own right.
Instead of declaring battle in the price wars between travel sites, we wanted to change the overall behavior of travel planning.
We knew that the first step everyone takes in their travel planning is an online search, so we hacked that behavior by telling people to change how they began their vacation planning.
We create twenty 15 second pre-rolls to reinforce this new consumer behavior. The could also be customized with different destinations, so if the commercials ran in Australia they may advertise some where in Thailand, if they ran in New York they would advertise Miami etc.